Idea Behind

In my professional career I found time and again that wrong decisions were made due to insufficient data. As a result, developments were often missed or reacted to too late. Through my independence, I would like to give all companies the opportunity to act on the basis of reliable data.

  • Business Knowledge
  • Knowledge about Hadoop and other Big data platforms
  • Different ETL (Extract Transform Load) Tools
  • Years of teaching at universities of applied sciences
  • Expert in Microsoft BI Semantic Model

Let's Get Started

Are you ready for a better, more productive business

Make an appointment as soon as possible to gain a competitive advantage.

  • In a first step, we work with you to analyze whether the data analysis makes sense.
  • As the next step, we analyze your infrastructure, which is available for the analysis, or assess which infrastructure would be the most optimal in terms of costs and functionality.
  • After that you will then receive an offer from us for the data analysis.
  • After ordering, we will implement your project within the agreed time.
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